Did you know that the colour design of our recable is based on the plumage of birds?
You ask yourself why?
- The colour combinations from the animal world are simply timelessly beautiful. Since they are not subject to fast-moving fashion trends, you are less likely to get tired of them. That's important! Because your recable will be with you for a long time. It is very durable and repairable - and therefore perhaps your forever cable.
- Our recable not only look like colourful birds, they also feed many hungry beaks. For every USB cable sold, we donate a food ration for wild birds.
- Birds are of great importance for our ecosystem. In the meantime, species extinction is assuming dramatic proportions. Biodiversity is nothing less than the basis of our existence and must therefore be protected. With our homage to the bird world, we want to draw attention to this.
Here you will find all our USB cables in King penguin design: