nachhaltige Geschenkideen für Weihnachten

Sustainable gift ideas for a relaxed Christmas

Rushing from shop to shop and online shop to online shop to buy things that end up bringing joy only briefly (if at all) - many people do just that in the run-up to Christmas. Not because they feel like stressing, but because they lack good ideas on how to give their loved ones a real treat.

To make sure you don't feel that way this year, we have put together a few sustainable gift ideas.


fair chocolate from the nu company
1. chocolate, but please fair and good for you and the environment

What's dark brown, full of high-quality ingredients and without child labour? That's right, the delicious chocolates of the nucompany. The company has been fighting for years for fair and healthier chocolates that do not only consist of sugar and cheap cocoa from questionable cultivation. The nucao bars contain only vegan organic ingredients. Unusual: the high proportion of hemp seeds, which gives the chocolate an incomparable taste. And by the way, every bar purchased plants a tree. That's about as good as it gets.

A particularly suitable Christmas gift is the cute little chocolate penguin named Snowymade only from the best nucao chocolate.
Let it taste!


Handmade gifts
2 Handmade with Love

The fascination of handmade gifts clearly lies in the amount of love that is given along with them. Because anyone who gives something homemade as a gift has, above all, put thought and time into it.

By the way, the classic among homemade gifts are the self-knitted socks. What used to be more of a punishment made of scratchy wool by grandma is now absolutely trendy again. An unimagined variety of wool is not only available at large craft store chains, but in more and more small local wool shops. A (virtual) visit is worthwhile, for example, at Want Berlin.

Those who are not quite so talented at handicrafts can perhaps let off steam in the kitchen. Whether apple jam, marzipan liqueur or gingerbread fudge, the possibilities for handmade gifts from the kitchen are almost endless.

And if you don't have the time or inclination to make or craft something yourself, you can of course give your time away directly. The young parents in your circle of friends will certainly be happy about a few hours of babysitting, the grandma about a shopping companion and the sister perhaps about a nice walk followed by a visit to a café.


Give away books
3. books - food for the soul

Life without books is possible, but pointless. All the more reason to stop by your local bookshop and pick up a book as a gift.

If you have no idea what to give as a gift, your bookseller will certainly be happy to help you. Book prizes that are awarded during the year are also a good guide.

For all those who can't get enough of beautifully designed books, it's worth paying a digital visit to the Book Guild. There are special editions here that are lovingly designed and that you can only order as a member.


Unwrapped gifting
4. naked looks good on you

Shop unpacked. Especially in the pandemic, the shops around the corner need your support. So why not give away a starter kit for newcomers to the unpackaged world? A few cloth bags for pasta or fruit, a solid shampoo with a can and a few pretty jars would be a good basic kit, for example. Of course, a voucher for the unpacked shop is also a suitable idea.

With Original Unverpackt you can even shop conveniently in the Online Shop and find lots of ideas for a low-packaging life.


sustainable USB cable from recable
5. Recable - fair and customisable USB cables for long-lasting pleasure.

For many everyday products, we now pay attention to origin, production conditions and sustainability. In the area of technology, these trends are only gradually becoming established.

But it is especially important here that we focus on longevity. It's good that there is finally a USB cable on the market that is manufactured under fair conditions in Germany and is repairable. You can fight electronic waste with a USB cable. of the many colourful recableThe designs are based on the colourful plumage of the bird world. If that's not individual enough, you've got plenty to choose from in the Cable Configurator the possibility to assemble your own cable.


Fairphone or Shiftphone as a Christmas gift
6. May there be a little more?

Christmas should not be primarily about over-consumption. Nevertheless, it is often a good occasion to invest in larger gifts.

Mobile phones and smartphones are the big sellers under the Christmas tree. Mobile surfing and telephony are now also sustainable. With Fairphone and Shiftphone, two interesting providers of fair and modular smartphones can already be found. At Online Shop you will find a selection of the latest models.
By the way, you can find the right tariff for the sustainable phone at WEtell. The first climate-neutral mobile phone provider that does good and supports climate projects in particular.


Donations for Christmas
7. give and do good

Before you give away useless stuff, think about donating something instead of buying something.

Donations for heartfelt projects are a great alternative to gifts in kind. If you can't think of a suitable organisation to donate to, simply ask the person you are giving the gift to what things or projects are important to them.
You can also find more good ideas on the subject of donations here.

Gift giving is a very individual matter. However, your first priority should be not to stress about giving gifts. Don't let conventions drive you crazy. You don't have to give something to everyone and passing on used things is absolutely fine and a good solution in terms of sustainability anyway.
Furthermore, you should give a gift in such a way that it is a pleasure and not a duty. Gifts from the heart are always well received.

With this in mind, have a reflective time full of great sustainable gifts!

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