Bühne frei für den Eisvogel!

Clear the stage for the Kingfisher!

It is not without reason that the bird, which is also often referred to as a "flying gem", has already been named Bird of the Year twice by NABU. It is a real eye-catcher - the Kingfisher.

With a little luck, you can catch a glimpse of the iridescent turquoise plumage along rivers and floodplains.

Of course, we had to include the feathered beauty in our colourful recable flock.

Here you will find all our USB cables in Kingfisher design:


Sustainable charging cable design Kingfisher

Profile of the Kingfisher

Fun Fact to Kingfisher: It is particularly fearless in defending its nesting site even against predators.

Picture of a sustainable recable USB charging cable in turquoise and orange

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