Noch kein Geschenk? – Kein Stress mit unseren Gutscheinen!

Still no gift? - No stress with our vouchers!

⏰🎄 A glance at the calendar reveals: Christmas is in one week. If you're panicking because you're still desperately searching for the right gifts for your loved ones, we have some good news and some bad news for you.


😞 First the bad news:
If you order one of our fair and repairable USB cables in the shop now, we can unfortunately no longer guarantee that it will reach you before Christmas.



🥳 And now the good one:
With our recable gift vouchers you can still give a sustainable charging cable! Your gift recipients can choose freely whether they want to select their favourite variant from our colourful range or prefer to put together their own completely individual cable in the configurator.



👉 You can buy recable vouchers to the value of 10 €, 25 € or 50 € buy. You can get them conveniently by mail and you can also use it to apply for a voucher as a Last minute gift decide when the Christmas man is already knocking on the door.



So: No stress!




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